It was estimated that 1,000 people visited the 5-hour outdoor rally at the Kluczynski Federal Building on Thursday afternoon. Despite a tornado watch, 390 people attended the Friday evening lectures at the Field Museum. The primary goal for the event was to reach out to a broad spectrum of society with quality information about the UFO phenomenon.
The theme of the lecture-slide shows, photo boards, and hand-out literature was Government Cover-up (rather than abductions, crop circles, cattle mutilations, etc.). The purpose of the event was to inform the public that the UFO phenomenon is not just the stuff of tabloid journalism, but also a legitimate area of study: as validated by the high-quality research and literature available on the subject. Bob Dean noted that there are approximately 400 billion galaxies similar to ours, each with approximately 300-400 billion stars, and that NASA has speculated that 1,000,000 planets may be able to sustain (intelligent) life.
What follows are highlights from the Friday evening lecture-slide shows (this information has been elaborated on in previous lectures/videos by the speakers--whose addresses are provided later).
I arrived at the lectures late, just as Friedman was blasting UFO debunkers--like Carl Sagan and Phil Klass--as being "nasty, noisy negativists." Friedman says that their creed is: "You can't trust eyewitness testimony," and that their public UFO information program is based on the 3 Basic Rules For Debunkers: (1) Don't bother me with the facts--my mind's already made up; (2) If you can't attack the data, then attack the people presenting them (it's a lot easier); and (3) What the public doesn't know: don't tell them.
To help illustrate the concept of government cover-up/suppressed information, Friedman showed photocopies of formerly-classified documents the government provided him in response to his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Every word on these legal-size pages was deliberately blacked-out (except one page which showed 8 random words). These slides were quite a sight! As further insult, the government took months, sometimes years, to fill Friedman's FOIA requests; the official turnaround time is 10 days.
Friedman says he was a skeptic until he looked at the data, 36 years ago. "It's ok to stop being an Apologist Ufologist," he said, citing studies which show that the greater one's level of education, the more likely one is to believe in flying saucers. Friedman pointed out that 10 Ph.D. theses have been written about UFOs.
Friedman listed 4 "problems" which conspire to keep UFO information relegated to the sensationalism of tabloid journalism--if not suppressed entirely: (1) Ignorance: the public's lack of awareness of the relevant data; (2) The "laughter curtain" (one's fear of ridicule): Friedman says that sightings are common--but reports are not; (3) EGO: Friedman says that the "big shots" (i.e., journalists and astronomers) believe that extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs) cannot exist because, if they did, then the EBEs would certainly have sought out these authorities to talk to; (4) Backwards Science: what has been observed cannot exist because we can't explain it according to our present technological models/vocabulary.
Friedman thinks that UFOs originate in solar systems "in our local neighborhood" (within 54 light years of Earth), and says he isn't going to be bothered worrying about theories which claim that UFOs originate in galaxies farther away. His answer to the question "If UFOs/EBEs are present, then why haven't they given us their secrets?" is: "Our major activity is tribal warfare. WHY would they WANT to give us their secrets?"
Friedman believes that the public release of UFO information, validated as "legitimate" by our authorities, will move mankind beyond its divisive nationalisms and into an "Earthling" orientation. This, he says, is the best hope for our planet.
You can contact Stanton Friedman at: 79 Pembroke Crescent, Fredricton, New Brunswick E3B 2V1, Canada; (506) 457-0232.
Quite a Reality-challenging claim! Dean stated that most of his life had been spent as a professional soldier (i.e., in Special Operations), which was the source of his access to highly- classified documents. During his lecture, Dean frequently drank from his water glass, joking that his mouth always gets dry when he violates his National Security Oath.
In 1963, he was assigned to and served almost 5 years in Paris at the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE--the military arm of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO]), where he had the highest-level-possible security clearance: Cosmic Top Secret.
Before Dean's arrival at SHAPE, an event occurred in February 1961 which "almost triggered a shooting match" between the USA and Russia (before each side realized that it was witnessing an unmatchable technology). Enormous numbers of circular objects flew in formation over central Europe: flying from the Soviet zone, over the Warsaw Pact sector, over France, Germany, the English Channel, and finally disappearing over the Norwegian Sea. The event was not singular, however: such occurrences happened repeatedly during the late 1950s and early 1960s.
As a response to the February 1961 event, and because he was unable to get information from either London or Washington DC about these objects, Air Marshall Pike at SHAPE decided to conduct a 3-year, in-house study of the situation. This Assessment would change Dean's life forever. (Dean is currently writing a book based on the notes he drafted from the SHAPE document.)
According to Dean's notes, the SHAPE Assessment told that several extraterrestrial civilizations (which have technology hundreds, if not thousands, of years ahead of our own) have been conducting a massive/intensive study of the planet Earth and the entire human race. The EBEs' program is still unfolding, and it has been going on, possibly, for thousands of years. The SHAPE Assessment indicated that, while there did not appear to be a major military threat going on, were the EBEs malevolent/hostile: there is/was absolutely nothing we could do to protect ourselves. Dean said that the official numbers vary, but that at least 4 separate extraterrestrial civilizations are known to be involved in this massive survey of Earth and its inhabitants (some researchers believe that the number of alien species is over 12; others believe that the number may be as high as 100 separate groups). One of these species looks exactly like we do. This realization unnerved some of the SHAPE generals, because such a group of aliens could, if they desired, dress in Earthling clothes and sit next to us in a restaurant/on an airplane--and we'd never know; they could even walk down the corridors of SHAPE Headquarters, the Pentagon, or the White House undetected. Now other military agencies ( are conducting their own on-going studies--which have been given the highest level of classification: above Cosmic Top Secret.
Dean stated that it was during the paranoia of the Cold War, 50 years ago, when military people decided that "the public could not handle the truth" and, thus, settled on their policy to withhold their UFO information from the public. It angers Dean that the Legislative and Executive Branches of government, as well as the State Department, were never among the "authorities" involved in this decision making process.
Likening the UFO phenomenon to an ever-changing kaleidoscope, Dean stated that there is no single (scientific) discipline to inform the public of what is happening. Based on 30 years of study in the following fields:
history/philosophy/literature/mythology/theology/geology/anthropology/ar t/music/a few of the hard sciences--Dean developed a synthesis of what's happening in the universe.
He's concluded that the human race is a hybrid race which had been seeded on this planet; mankind has been continually genetically manipulated over hundreds of thousands of years (consult: the Sutras of Divine Buddha, the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, and the Bible--for evidence of "the single golden thread which links us all together"). That genetic manipulation is still going on.
Among the fascinating slides Dean presented (many of them acquired through his military contacts), was a sequence of slides showing a dark ring in the sky camouflaging itself with vapor/plasma and forming a lenticular cloud. Many witnesses have told Dean of watching such a cloud leave the sky at a high rate of speed.
Dean says that "literally earth-shaking" worldwide events have been forcing the release of UFO information to the public. This UFO public awareness program will speed up in the next 2-5 years. Look for Showtime's made-for-cable movie, Roswell, to be released to the general theaters/all over the world by mid 1995.
Dean greets this greater openness about UFO information as great news, stating that there are "other old codgers like me, all over the country" who will decide to come forward to publicly share their knowledge about UFOs before they die. However, they require 2 things: (1) that Congress give them congressional immunity for violating their security oaths; and (2) that either the Senate or the House of Representatives conduct an open hearing--televised on C-SPAN.
"The information is out there": not only that withheld by the government as "classified," but also that available in universities and on public library shelves. "I challenge you to inform yourselves!"
Bob Dean invites your correspondence: 2732 S. Gwain Place, Tucson AZ 85713.
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is a grassroots organization (5,000 members worldwide) which holds local meetings in most states. MUFON is dedicated to the research and investigation of the UFO phenomenon and, like ORTK, urges citizens to demand that their congressmen end UFO secrecy. MUFON can be contacted at: 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, TX 78155.
Additionally, E.T. 101, and an interesting booklet about symptoms (I'm OK: I'm Just Transmuting), are available from: ULC, Inc., 2370 W. Hwy 89A, Suite 11-432, Sedona, AZ 86336; (602) 204-2273.
UFO discussion groups are accessible on the Internet at the following usenet addresses: (1) alt.paranet.ufo; (2) alt.alien.visitors; (3) alt.paranet.abduct; (4)